Personal MBA - Online Crash Course
This course gives a clear overview of the essentials of every major business topic: entrepreneurship, product development, marketing, sales, negotiation, accounting, finance, productivity, communication, psychology, leadership, systems design, analysis, and operations management...all in one comprehensive volume divided up into 3 parts;
- How Businesses Work
- How People Work
- How Systems Work
A. How Businesses Work
Week #1 - Value-creation, part 1
- The 5 Core Business Processes
- Economically Valuable Skills
- Value-creation
- The Iron Law of the Market
- Core Human Drives
- 10 Market Evaluation Questions
- The Hidden Benefit of Competition
- The Mercenary Rule
- The Crusader Rule
- The 12 Standard Forms of Value
- Form of Value #1 Product
- Form of Value #2 - Service
- Form of Value #3 - Shared Resource
- Form of Value #4 - Subscription - Continuity
- Form of Value #5 - Resale
- Form of Value #6 - Lease
- Form of Value #7 - Affiliation - Agency
- Form of Value #8 - Audience Aggregation
- Form of Value #9 - Loan
- Form of Value #10 - Option
- Form of Value #11 - Insurance
- Form of Value #12 - Capital
Week #2 - Value-creation, part 2
- Perceived Value
- Modularity
- Bundling - Unbundling
- Prototype
- The Iteration Cycle
- Iteration Velocity
- Feedback
- Choices - Tradeoffs
- Economic Values
- Relative Importance Testing
- Critically Important Assumptions
- Shadow Testing
- Minimum Economically Viable Offer
- Incremental Augmentation
- Field Testing
Week #3 - Marketing
- Marketing
- Attention
- Receptivity
- Remarkability
- Probable Purchaser
- End Result
- Qualification
- Point of Market Entry
- Addressability
- Desire
- Visualization
- Framing
- Free
- Permission
- The Hook
- Call-To-Action
- Narrative
- Controversy
- Reputation
Week #4 - Sales
- Sales
- Transaction
- Trust
- Common Ground
- Pricing Uncertainty Principle
- 4 Pricing Methods
- Value-Based Selling
- Education-Based Selling
- Next-Best Alternative
- 3 Universal Currencies
- 3 Dimensions of Negotiation
- Buffer
- Reciprocation
- Damaging Admission
- Objections & Barriers
- Risk-Reversal
Week #5 - Value-Delivery
- Value-Delivery
- Value Stream
- Distribution Channel
- Throughput
- The Expectation Effect
- Predictability
- Duplication
- Multiplication
- Scale
- Accumulation
- Amplification
- Barrier to Competition
- Force Multiplier
- Systemization
Week #6 - Finance
- Finance
- Profit
- Value Capture
- Sufficiency
- Target Monthly Revenue
- Core Revenue Growth
- Pricing Power
- Lifetime Value
- Allowable Acquisition Cost
- Overhead
- Costs - Fixed & Variable
- Breakeven
- Amortization
- Purchasing Power
- Cash Flow Cycle
- Opportunity Cost
- Time Value of Money
- Compounding
- Leverage
- Hierarchy of Funding
- Bootstrapping
- Return on Investment
- Incremental Degradation
- Sunk Cost
B. How People Work
Week #7 - The Human Mind
- The Human Mind
- Caveman Syndrome
- Physical Primacy
- The Watcher
- Perceptual Control
- Reference Level
- Reorganization
- Conflict
- Pattern Matching
- Mental Simulation
- Interpretation
- Motivation
- Willpower Depletion
- Structural Determination
- Loss Aversion
- Threat Lockdown
- Scope Limitation
- Contrast
- Association
- Absence Blindness
- Scarcity
- Novelty
Week #8 - Working With Yourself
- Working With Yourself
- Four Methods of Completion
- Most Important Task
- Goal
- State of Being
- Priming
- Choice
- Five-Fold Why
- Five-Fold HOW
- Next Action
- Externalization
- Self-Elicitation
- Cognitive Switching Penalty
- Counterfactual Simulation
- Parkinson's Law
- Doomsday Scenario
- Excessive Self-Regard Tendency
- Confirmation Bias
- Hindsight Bias
- Performance Load
- Recovery
- Dash
- Mystique
- Locus of Control
- Acceptance
Week #9 - Working With Others
- Working With Others
- Power
- Comparative Advantage
- Communication Overhead
- Importance
- Safety
- Golden Trifecta
- Reason Why
- Commander's Intent
- The Mr. Rogers Effect
- Clanning
- Convergence & Divergence
- Signaling
- Social Proof
- Authority
- Consistency
- Incentive-caused Bias
- Modal Bias
- Bystander Apathy
- Planning Fallacy
- Pygmalion Effect
- Attribution Error
- Option Orientation
C. How Systems Work
Week #10 - Understanding Systems
- Understanding Systems
- Gall's Law
- Flow
- stock
- Slack
- Constraint
- Environment
- Selection Test
- Feedback Loop
- Autocatalysis
- Uncertainty
- Change
- Interdependence
- Second-order Effects
Week #11 - Analyzing Systems
- Analyzing Systems
- Deconstruction
- Measurement
- Key Performance Indicator
- Garbage In Garbage Out
- Analytical Honesty
- Sampling
- Confidence Interval
- Counterparty Risk
- Ratio
- Norm
- Proxy
- Context
- Segmentation
- Humanization
Week #12 - Improving Systems
- Improving Systems
- Refactoring
- Optimization
- Critical Few
- Diminishing Returns
- Friction
- Automation
- The Irony of Automation
- The Paradox of Automation
- Standard Operating procedure
- Checklisting
- Cessation
- Normal Accidents
- Resilience
- Fail-safe
- Stress Testing
- Scenario Planning
- The Middle Path
- The Experimental Mindset
- This is Not 'The End'