Microsoft Excel 2016 Essential Training
- Welcome
- Using the exercise files
Getting started with Excel
- What is Excel used for
- Using the menu system
- Using the Quick Access Toolbar
- Understanding workbooks and worksheets
- Using the formula bar
- Using the status bar
- Using navigation bar
- Using shortcut menus and the Mini toolbar
- Creating new workbooks
- Using Excel help
Entering Data
- Exploring data entry and editing techniques
- Entering data with AutoFill
- Working with dates and times
- Using Undo and Redo
- Adding comments
- Using Save or Save As
- Exploring font styles and effects
- Adjusting row heights and column width
- Working with alignment and wrap text
- Designing borders
- Exploring numeric and special formatting
- Formatting numbers and dates
- Using conditional formatting
- Creating and using tables
- Inserting shapes, arrows, and other visual features
Adjusting Worksheet Layout and Data
- Inserting and deleting rows and columns
- Hiding and unhiding rows and columns
- Moving, copying and inserting data
- Finding and replacing data
- Exploring the page layout tab and page layout view
- Previewing page breaks
- Working with page setup and printing controls
- Creating charts
- Exploring chart types
- Formatting charts
- Working with axes, titles, and other chart elements
- Creating incell charts with sparklines
Adjusting Worksheets views
- Freezing and unfreezing panes
- Splitting screens horizontally and vertically
- Collapsing and expanding data views with outlining
Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks
- Displaying multiple worksheets and workbooks
- Renaming, inserting, and deleting sheets
- Moving, copying, and grouping sheets
- Using formulas to link worksheets and workbooks
- Locating and maintaining links
IF VLOOKUP and Power Functions
- Using IF functions and relational operators
- Getting approximate table data with the VLOOKUP function
- Getting exact table data with the VLOOKUP function
- Using the COUNTIF family of functions
Security and Sharing
- Unlocking cells and protecting worksheets
- Protecting workbooks
- Assigning passwords to workbooks
- Sharing workbooks
- Tracking changes
Data Management Features
- Sorting data
- Inserting subtotals in a sorted list
- Using filters
- Splitting data into multiple columns
- Splitting and combining columnar data with Flash Fill
- Removing duplicate records
- Using validation tools
Data Analysis Tools
- Using Goal Seek
- Using Solver
- Using Scenario Manager
- Using data tables
- Creating PivotTables
- Manipulating PivotTable data
- Grouping by date and time
- Grouping by other factors
- Using slicers to clarify and manipulate fields
- Using PivotCharts
Introduction to Macros
- Exploring the need for macros
- Creating a simple macro
- Running a macro
- Goodbye